Shampooing and Styling of Hair Integrations

Shampooing of artificial hair integrations can be as easy as shampooing real hair, with some considerations. For instance, many manufacturers suggest using a mild shampoo, or even a wig shampoo.

Directions included with the integrations may indicate what type of shampoo to use; the methods of brushing, combing and drying that are most advisable; and what heat setting to use when drying the hair, or if it is even advisable to do so.

You can  treat most human hair extensions the same way you treat real hair, albeit more gently. Human hair extensions usually are heavily processed, use a a mild shampoo  to achieve uniform color and texture, along with a light conditioner to reduce tangling. To reduce or prevent matting and excessive tangling, use cool water when shampooing. Having to remove snarls and tangles loosens the foundation of the integrations and further damages the hair.

When styling artificial hair, use the same care as when shampooing it. When buying your hair extensions, chose a texture that match the style You are looking for, this will reduce unnecessary styling. Using heat to straighten curly hair, or to curl straight hair, damages it. The more damage the hair sustains, the shorter the lifespan of the artificial hair.